Friday, July 15, 2011

Do local VAs keep copies of important documents for families on file if we lose ours?

My brother has been appointed guardianship over my Dad who has 100% dementia. My brother lost the document and can't find it. Doesn't the VA supposed to have one on file? It would make sense if they did so they would know who was appointed fiduciary, legal guardian etc... I really need help on this. It is very, very important. A woman and my Dad got married without us knowing, (I was at the doctors and my brother was supposed to be on watch, don't know what happened there and that is not relevant now) and now she won't let me see him. Plus, He doesn't remember he is married. I am disabled, took care of my Dad...great care...never sponged off him etc...I don't have much money to hire an Attorney, the VA here said they didn't care if he got married. o.O Great care you have for VETS, local VA! The woman who he married, has an electric fence and cameras on her property.@_@ My Dad is like a prisoner. Plus, the sheriff here said if they are married, they can't make her let me see him. The Attorneys I contacted have not been helpful. Now, my brother says he was appointed guardianship, which I didn't know and he can't find the document. Please daughter who is in the Navy, a medic, got back from Afghanistan and is having a cow!! That woman won't let her see her Pepaw either. Plus, I want to talk to Congress, the Senate, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, the Governor, and Obama. How can the VA here be so callous??! Thank you for answers in advance...♥ I love the VETS and Military period! (i'm in TX. shhh ;])

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