Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How do you calculate your tithes?

Are they pre or post tax? Do you have allowances for instance to disregard that what you pay for accommodation? What do others do? My brother for instance used to tithe from his student grant and went around with holes in his shoes as he couldn't afford new ones. Nowadays if you are on a student loan, do you tithe from the income of that loan?

Where are the rights of the FATHER?

Nobody should be able to force a woman to give birth. However, I feel that because a woman CAN terminate a pregnancy, if she chooses not to do so, a man should be able to give up his responsibility towards the child(ren), not just his rights.

What have we become? please give me your opinions?

i recently posted a question asking for help to identify the body of a murdered boy. one person who answered shocked me by saying "who cares, this isnt amber alert, all we care about is our damn points not finding damn children". has our society really become so calloused that we no longer care that our children are being murdered? that points on a question and answer forum become more important than helping resolve such real life, vital issues become negligent and bothersome? even irritating. is this a trend that is growing or are people like this the exception to the rule? what is your opinion on this?

I need help searching for accommodation in the Warwick area, starting Medicine at Warwick uni in September..?

Just wondering where do other students look for accommodation information? I tried (nothing) and i have searched 'rental in CV4 7AL' i don't even know how many times now... Has anyone got any tips? I am 25, a mature student with a partner and want to get a pet, but thats not the most important thing. Mainly, I want somewhere private to live (no shares) but I cannot figure out where to look!

Why is my Laptop Lagging?

Low memory, low resources, too many things running, AntiVirus scanning, windows updating, virus, not enough hard drive space...

Why don't I feel bad about lying to people?

I don't know why you're like that, but it's not good. I know someone like that and he's basically managed to push everyone in his life that was close to him away. Start by telling your therapist what you're really like, and if you can't bring yourself to tell him just show him this description. But maybe he can help you. Good luck!

I am worried about my sexual health?

You have got a bloody cheek to question your wifes ferdelity when you have been shagging prositutes and then sleeping with your poor wife and knowing you could have given her VD Get to a clinic and sort yourself out

I am located in th UK in London, is it possible for me to relocate to Paris or to Canada?

You left out the most important piece of information....your nationality! Where you are "located" does not tell us your nationality. If you are a British citizen, yes, you may live and work in France or any other European Union country. If you are not a British citizen, it is nearly impossible to get a work visa in a European Union county. No matter what your citizenship is, getting a work visa or immigrating to Canada is very difficult. their visa requirements are very strict.

How much spending money to take to Kenya?

I'm traveling to Nairobi for about 6 weeks and am wondering how much money (US) I should expect to spend. My accommodations and food will be provided for. Basically, I just need to bring money for any incidentals or souvenirs.

Advice about a possible fish disease?

My goldfish has rough-looking bumps on top of his head. I will try and post a picture later but maybe someone might have an idea of what it is without one. He doesn't have a clamped fin, he eats very well and swims around like my other fish. I just want to make sure that nothing is wrong. The bumps are not large. It kind of looks like callouses have developed. They have been there for a while but they haven't gotten worse and his behavior hasn't changed or anything. I'm thinking that if it was something serious then I would have been able to tell by now but I still would like to make sure. Thanks for any help in advance!

GH: Typical Carly. No one can be more selfish than her.?

Carly's seflishness never ceases to amaze. When she heard Patrick talking to Elizabeth and Lucky she waited a whole 20 seconds before wondering if she could have Jakes kidney. A whole 20 seconds! When I watched that clip I swear it's like I could see the lightbulb appear over her head. She didn't waste time running to Jason and when she found out Elizabeth said no what was her statement "I understand Elizabeth doesn't like me". As if the only reason Elizabeth said no to the organ transplant was because she didn't like Carly. Apparently even the cancer situation of Josslyn can be made to be about her. Obviously the fact that Jake was just hit 10 minutes a go has nothing to do with it. And then she goes to tell Jason that she might have hit Jake. Why????? Wasn't Jason dealing with enough. What could have come from him knowing that at that moment. She wasn't even sure she did it. She wanted to absolve herself. There is no other reason for what she did. Carly is the most horrible, selfish, worthless, callous character I have ever seen.

Rate My Lyrics!!!!!!!!?

It's actually really good :)... I especially like the lines 'I saw the moonlight in her eyes' and 'the sparkling waters of lifes abyss'

For guys and girls, this is serious?

oooh perhaps... its too hard to say for sure though, just keep talking to him i guess.. maybe then you or him can ask out the other

How do I install my Microsoft XP OS on my new hard drive?

Set boot priority in bios (del, F2...) to boot from cd/dvd first or hit esc, F2, F12, F10 or F something multiple times at startup and select cd/dvd device. In Dell screen or the black screen after the keys you have to press should be written.

Does cheap parking exist around New York City?

We are spending two weeks in NYC in August. We want to stay in SoHo, so of course; there is no parking with our accommodation! We are happy to park out of the city; we don't mind if it is 2-3 hours out by train or bus if need be. We just don't want to pay $25-$35 per day! Any suggestions would be amazing. We were considering finding parking in Boston & catching the bus in if it's easier.

What is the best featured laptop with reasonable price to opt for a starter?

i just got into designin diploma... so i would be needin better graphics wd long battery and less probs of hangs and reboots. smone said dell or acer is gud... wat bout yuy?

What am I going to do. Pls help so upset? Oh my god pls help?

I dont know if she is only friend why she is so jealous of u. I know girls can be b**** sometimes but she has crossed all her limits. You need to find new friends. Relations are good but friends are something we cant live without. Find out if u can make friends at your work place/neighborhood. You will get somebody who will give you equal respect. and Sorry for your breakup.

Please could you explain this decision to me, I am currently living in temporally council accommodation?

may be your conditiion is very bad, its ok when your condition will be good you can choose your options.

How do i cancel my tv licence?

i'll be leaving the UK for the summer and also leaving my current accommodation. i'll be back in september to a different place. between now and then, i don't need my tv licence. how do i go about cancelling it? there's no phone number on their site so i can't even call them.

Can no RAM cause a white screen on a laptop?

Someone gave me a Dell Inspiron 1150 laptop. I want to get RAM for it (it doesn't have any in there). When I plug it in the screen comes on white. No beeps or anything. Could this be the cause?

Why does the sound on my compuetr not workk?

i have an inspiron 1440 dell (i think) and i just got it all fixed and redownloaded windows and everything and when i turned it on everything worked fine but my sound doesnt play even the computer says everything is wokring fine and it shows me that sound is being played but i dont hear it. what do i do?!?

What do you think of this poem I wrote?

Seems rather dark. Is there a particular meaning you're trying to put into it? Is this something you wrote about a lost loved one?

Who has read the book night?

I have to write an essay on why the prisoners become so self centered and callous towards other. Can anyone help me.? Relate your answer to examples and themes in the book "night"

Hi .. i am from pakistan... n i want to study my further education like bachelors n masters fin automobile e?

hi .. i am from pakistan... n i want to study my further education like bachelors n masters in automobile engineering from Australia.. can some one brief me how is the life in Australia .. n what about accommodation.. is this expensive ? how much it will be for 1 month ? any rough idea .....? plz guide me ... i will be thankful to u ?

Is it masculine not to cry?

To be frank, I cannot cry. It is a rarity for me. I have an impressive emotional threshold. Even looking at images of the holocaust, having someone close to me pass away, you know all those things that get most folk to tears - doesn't move me. I often wonder why that is. I have a habit of intellectualizing these things, always try to remove emotion from the issue etc. I have another female friend that is the same. We are told that we are callous ice hearted people because of this. And it got me thinking... Is it a masculine trait? This type of stoicism?

How much do British pensioners get if they're on a state pension and nothing else?

Is a state pension for someone who worked for the government, or is a state pension money for someone who has no other income, or is it a benefit for someone who does not have a private pension from an employer?

My computer says no booting device available?

It is a dell desktop dont know which model though. I dont have any cds or floppydisk. i just have the

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

As an Asian-looking son of a White dad and Asian mom should I be angry at them for emasculating all Asian men?

You need not to worry about what your Parents did. Shame on you for Saying it is a curse to be born out of an Asian women's Vagina. Is there no shame to you at all?? You ought to give thanks that she didn't abort your ungrateful azz. Your spending too much time worrying about something that has already happened. Worry about your education and your own life. You know when you point a degrading finger at Your Parents there are three fingers pointing back at you. Your an ungrateful wretch to degrade your White Father. I hope he kicks you along side of the gravel road.

Do you believe women have the potential......?

DO you believe women have the potential to be as cruel, callous, and evil as men? Or is it opposed to the nature of females more than it is opposed to the nature of males?

I have small blisters on my feet?

I have small blisters on the sole of my left foot. with some on the side (on an a calloused are I would consider the sole) They are not very sensitive to the touch. They have mostly clear fluids in them with occasional white puss. I do not have a fever or any of the other symptoms indicating foot and mouth disease and no history of any form of eczema of any form. It does not have the appearance of planter warts. any idea what it could be?

What model Dell laptop is this? 10 points to first to get it right?

It was an XPS. It was like 2-3" thick, had 6 USB ports on the back, DVI output, and the back of the screen was like a red with white design. What model is it? I will give 10 points to the first person that can tell me!

Would it be alright to ride my horse on gravel?

So I had to get a horse babysitter to work my horse while I'm recovering from a bout of mono and she asked me if she could take her out on the gravel road for a trail ride. I'm not concerned about my horse's behavior but I've never really ridden her on gravel as she is barefoot. I have an farrier who doesn't dig out her frog as she suffered from a nasty stone bruise during the winter. But she also seems to have sensitive feet despite having calloused a lot, when I take her on the driveway back to the stable she doesn't look comfortable and takes small baby steps. Should I not worry about her feet since she has good hooves, or should I say no because she has no shoes and sensitive feet? I'm worried I'm just babying my horse.

I'm having internet connection problems?

I have a normal desktop PC and an HP Compaq laptop. I'm having trouble getting my laptop connected to the internet. My old laptop was a Dell Mini and it connected to the internet as soon as I turned it on and logged in. This laptop,however,doesn't make things that easy. I hit connect to connect to my network, but it says it is not able to. My desktop PC loses internet connection as soon as I turn my laptop on. With my old laptop, both computers had internet connectivity at the same time. I have a feeling I don't have the settings right that will make both computers have internet access. It's really gets on my nerves, because every time I want to use my laptop, I'm running back and forth to both computers trying to get them connected. Is there any possible way that I won't have to go through all of that trouble just to have internet on my laptop? I use a Cisco Linksys router.It is one that uses a cord, it's not wireless. I also have a broadband modem for my desktop computer if that helps. Any simple step-by-step instructions are greatly appreciated!

My 10 year old Child(Dog [THOR]) has the normal callous on the elbow...seems to be bloody...HELP ME!!!!!!!?

Thor's elbows seem to be/have dried blood on them...I know older Dogs have callous' on their elbows...his seem to be looks like dried blood...I LOVE me boy to death but the vet is cost prohibetive at this point...can ANYONE answer...IS THIS NORMAL/OK???

Acting school in London ?

Yes, you've posted this before. My answer is the same - you're not going to be a professional in any of these fields after a few days and won't get a professional job on the back of that. If you have money to burn, why not commit to a true course in a field you do want to one day work professionally in?

I got the job offer from Bahrain and i accepted and i got my visa too,now the company is saying that i have to?

I got the job offer from Bahrain and i accepted and i got my visa too,now the company is saying that i have to book my ticket and fly as company will not provide the initial ticket and also no hotel accommodation.In contract it was given that after 1 year they will give return ticket,but as per my knowledge initial ticket and temporary accommodation is provided by company and it is same every where,pl give me the details regarding this.Is there any rule in Bahrain about initial tickets to be provided by employer or not.

Verbatim 2GB memory stick won't work?

When I stick it into my DELL Inspiron 1525 laptop it is unresponsive. It has always worked on my laptop before and I have tryed it in both drives both ways round. Little help please? Thank you.

Microsoft flight simulator x , Is It Possible In Window 7 , 64 bit ? If so How ?

I am Buying Dell New Inspiron 15r , 1 gb Nivedia Geforce gt 525m Graphic card , i want to knw if Microsoft flight simulator x Runs on Window 7 64 bit...or wil it work fine on window 7 32 bit , or vista which one ? help me guys ..ur help wil be appriciated

I bite the skin off my fingers.....?

This was a bad habit I had before. I don't do it anymore though, you just have to stop doing it and pay attention if you're doing it.

What do you think of the beginning? Not completed yet?

It's amazing. It was a great pleasure reading this beginning.I'm a writer too. This beginning somewhat reminds me of Agatha Christie's books.

How to get healthier hands and smoother feet?

Push back your cuticles, see a doctor about the hangnails and use a lot of lotion of those feet. Try the ped egg or a pumice stone followed by a foot scrub followed by a moisturizing lotion for your feet. Keep your nails trimmed and straight, that will solve your hangnail problem. I mean DAMN, you sound like you have the feet of a monster lol.

My Dell computer says boot manager is missing.?

I bought this Dell Xps laptop 4 months ago and It was running really slow. So i decided to system restore the computer and when it was all done I restarted and it said that Boot manager is missing press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart. When i do this it just goes back to Boot manager is missing. Please Help!!

Minecraft question ????

Can the new dell inspiron 15r ( the one with the swapable lids ) run minecraft with no lag. And if not which laptop would.

Home modem doesn't show on network manager?

Basically, I've just moved into a shared, rented accommodation and was promised by the landlord that broadband would be available to me. However, the modem doesn't show up on the network manager bit on my netbook. I've tried manually setting up the modem manually using the username and password but it didn't work. I knw for sure that there is broadband in the house because my neighbor has no problem connecting to it.

My sister is very cruel and very sweet. What do you think?

she may just be stressed out and angry over the entire situation with your mother. i know what its like to be ur mother. your sister is fine. maybe just stressed. my illness doesnt even work like that. so shes fine.

Pick my skin and eat it?

I have calluses on the bottom of my feet and rough hands with rough patches of skin. When the callous grows back, I pick it off. Then I eat it. Yeah I eat the skin. The main places I do it is palm side up, the middle part of the thumb and top crease where the top third of index and middle finger meet the second third of it. The thumb is down to the fourth layer of skin. My second layer is hardened like the first layer, the third layer is like my second layer now, but doesn't hurt and the fourth layer doesn't hurt either. The callous on the bottom of my big toes I peel off and eat. So what is it. Is it normal???

What do you think about alliance between leftist and Islamist?

What do I think of the alliance? Paranoia makes ones thinking unworthy of consideration. That's what I think of your supposition.

Horse riding holidays ireland?

Hey i was wondering does anybody no of any horse riding holidays down south in Ireland that provides accommodation etc?

Can i get a MMj card in californina?

If you are under 18, you will need parental consent. If that's not a problem, you will need to find a doctor that is willing to prescribe it to you for insomnia. It will be easiest with a doctor that specializes in medical marijuana recommendation. I don't know where in California you are, but just google, for example "medical marijuana card San Diego" and you should be able to find a legitimate doctor who can see you for a consultation.

My laptop screen loads the Dell logo screen and then stays black?

When you start your computer, wait until there is a screen with options in the corner. It says things like press F1 for... or press F2 for...etc. Click the corresponding key for "System Restore" or something like that. Restore the system to an earlier date where it was working. Hope that helps!

Why are the strings on my guitar so high up?!?

so i borrowed a guitar from a friend to learn how to play, i think its an estabon vintage model (i dont really know all i know is that its HUGE for me atleast) anyway i started learning how to play the chromatic scale from a set of DVD's the same friend also let me borrow to learn how to play, i thought that it was really difficult to press down the strings, but i assumed that that was just because i hadnt developed callouses yet. then i noticed on the dvd that the guys strings weren't as ridiculously high of the fret board as mine why are my guitar strings so high up?!

Can i claim a tax refund for a stay in a Hotel in Canada?

Of course you CANNOT claim that on a tax refund!! Since when is a vacation an allowable deduction?? LOL

Why are accommodations so expensive and require a minimum stay?

I was planning a day trip to a city about 250 miles away, but would require an overnight stay. I inquired about accommodation there. Some places require a minimum 3-night stay. One B&B said their rate was $300 and I figured that was for a week - WRONG! That was just for one night! When my dad was alive and the family traveled, it was considered a lot to charge $20 a night at the Holiday Inn. Where do they get off charging these exorbitant rates?

Fingers hurt from playing guitar ?

Yesterday I found my dad's old acoustic guitar when we were cleaning out the attic. Long story short, I found a guy on YouTube named Marty who teaches different songs abd I played for about 4-5 hours and this morning when I woke up my fingers hurt so bad! Is there anything I can do to make them get calloused quicker? Or do I just stop playing for a while? Any suggestions appreciated

Monday, July 18, 2011

I currently live in the UK in London, I would like to relocate to the USA?

While a visitor's visa is easy (assuming NO trouble with the law), getting a work permit is almost impossible unless you have some skill that is in high demand. Usually your USA employer obtains the permit for you. A licensed doctor would certainly qualify. Sometimes a school or hospital district in an improvised area (forget about Manhattan) can get a work permit for a teacher or a nurse. The problem is that you are stuck with that employer. If you leave the employer without finding another one to sponsor you, your vista will be canceled (usually you'll have 90 days to leave on your own) and you could be deported as an illegal alien. Once that occurs you'll never be allowed back even as a visitor.

How do I fix my laptop screen?!?

The PSU is probably old & needs to be serviced. Call the helpline to locate the nearest Dell service centre & get it fixed there. It will work fine.

Good riding gloves please?!?

Do you know of any good riding gloves. I never like wearing gloves but after my ride today with my fighting a war against my horse so she wouldn't take off galloping my hands are blistered, and calloused. Do you know any good comfy gloves, that will not make my hands sweat?

I spilled water on my computer and some of the letter dnt work am i screwed?

okay 2 days ago my nephew spilled some mountian dew on my dell inspiron n5030 laptop and some of the keys dnt work letters u,i,o,p and r all dnt work...i flipped it over and i took out the battery i checked it a couple hors after the incident then the mouse didnt click it moved but i couldnt slect i put the battey back in and and this afternoon i check it the mouse works fine but the buttons dnt work..and after her did it i played with the computer for mybe 30 minutes and it was working fine..then suddenly the letters stared messing what do i do?

Might I have some title suggestions?

Sis I probly have no title, cuz I aint so good at that anyway, and I don't know why but this brought out an image of bein on a beach, finding a bottle capped, with a note inside, then it moved to findin univalve shells with a critter still alive in, washed up??? Really I don't know where those notions came from?

Should I get a Samsung Galaxy Tablet or a Dell Streak?

I will be using it to browse the web, check email, store pictures, and GPS. Not really into the games. I will be using WiFi. I have a desktop in my home already. Just want something small to take with me when I travel, sit on the deck, or in bed. Not using for business.

Hiring korean nationals for a fortune 1000 companies. please revert?

We are urgently hiring Korean Nationals for Fortune 1000 Client .International Job Opportunity. Exp-0-1 years, compensation 40000 USD/pa + Accommodation+ Benefits. Freshers may apply. Professional training would be provided by the organization. Interested candidates can mail their resume at Contact for more details.

Which is the best analytic company - PharmARC or Dell?

PharmARC is a service analytic company. Dell Analytics is an MNC unit. Which is the best company for career growth?

How much money should I bring to Kenya?

Since 1 kenya shillings is 100 rupees then u should carry many of those rupees because a 2 star hotel in nairobi kenya costs about 10000 kenya shillings a night including supper and breakfast

People who bring up humans in need when you're talking about saving animals?

People also need to realize that by helping the planet and all that is in it..also helps people. Not sure why people always have to separate the two. The planet and nature do supply our FOOD, AIR, and WATER. By preserving those things, we also keep people alive. There should be no either/or when it comes to helping both people and animals..we can do both equally.

Why should first-world countries be morally forced into helping the third world?

Is it the taxpayer's fault of the first-world countries why the third world is in such a bad shape? No, it isn't. Anytime a hard working, contributing member of society says enough is enough and actually wants their tax-dollars to be used for their own country's best interests, they get called a callous and selfish person. Third world countries should be left to their own devices, and we shouldn't be morally forced into helping them and giving them our money for nothing in return.

Can't get Wifi on Vista..?

Alright, so I have a Dell Inspiron 1545. It came with Window's 7 on it. But I got a horrible virus, blah blah. Anyways, one thing lead to another and I had to wipe everything and start from scratch. But we didn't have a Window's 7 disk for some reason. So I had to install Vista, which we did have a disk for. Anyways, I can't seem to turn on the wifi with the wifi hotkey like I could when I had Vista. So would someone be able to walk me through what I need to do to catch the wifi signal in my house?

Is it wrong for me to assume this about certain people (Anime nuts) because of some of their stupidity.......?

Is it wrong for me to believe that people who care only about the anime and not the people of Japan to be shallow and/or callous people?

What hotel would you choose in Cabo San Lucas to have a spectacular belated honeymoon?

Near enough to 'action' to have fun, but luxurious, dreamy accommodations and an environment that's romantic! Thanks so much in advance for your feedback.

Have I contracted warts?

Hey guys. I'm 20. Yesterday my friend was over & asked me what was on his hand. He thought it was some type of callous. I said it's definately a wart, and he seemed to be in denial. He was picking at it, but not to the point where it was bleeding or anything like that, just lightly while he was showing me. We were playing catch with a baseball after that, and I might have given him a handshake before he left, I really don't remember because I wasn't focusing on it at the time. Am I at risk guys? I'm worried & I do not want a wart/warts. Thanks!

How good is this at this time?

Its fine , unless your trying to play games , but for internet/office/movies its fine , but you could do with getting rid of vista and installing windows 7 would a lot better off with out vista !

There's very little passion left in my sex life... How do I fix this?

Try the Kama Sutra! Or just plain ask him what the problem is. He might not be feeling it anymore or he could be stressed. Whatever you do, don't go tap Sergey before you've done everything you can do to fix your sexual relationship with your boyfriend. Good luck.

Is this a good gaming computer?

Since Alienware is wholly owned by Dell and the XPS is their gaming computer range, it's a good spec.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I ordered XPS 7100 from DELL on June 23. It's been 6 days and their tracker says "work in progress." Help!?

DELL India's online tracker is stubbornly on Work in progress. I ordered the desktop 6 days ago, as of June 29. Is it the tracker's fault, or does DELL take an abnormally long time to manufacture computers? If anyone has experience with DELL's system, please help! They haven't even shipped it yet! Manufacturing build is still incomplete, or at least according to the tracker it is. Has anyone, for instance, received their desktops when the tracker still told you that it hasn't been built? Please, help!

What is your wish list for a wife/husband/partner? For instance mine is?

Age,late teens/early 20s attractive as I will have to mount her from time to time to produce children. Child bearing hips and breasts big enough to keep babies healthy.Strong legs and callous free feet.No tattoos piercings, Must be a good cook and housekeeper, Non drinker or swearer. Non TV watcher, early riser and hard worker.

Why does God keep heavy burdens lingering on earth for years rather than take them on to Heaven ?

There is a reason for everything that happens. For one thing, I'm speaking from my own experiences in life .... when we have to endure in this life, it's makes us stronger! It has me. I'm undergoing chemo/radiation right now for breast cancer. This is my second time around for cancer. I still give God the praise and glory for my situation because I know in the end it's going to make me a better person. I can understand you asking this question. Sometimes it's hard to understand from our human viewpoint, how and why we must endure burdens. God does tell us to ... "Cast every burden upon him"....doesn't matter how big or small it is. He will see us through and give us Victory!!

Internet issue-needs some help?

ok so i have the LG apex with US cellular with the primary plus plan...i tether my phone to my dell insprion laptop with the USB will Connect for about 5-10 minutes then i have to untether it and reconnect ...i am wondering if there is anything someone might know what to rather not call us cellular and be on the phone for an hour if i can help it

How can i get Creative SoundBlaster X-FI MB 1.2 on my cpu?

Scrap the dell. I suggest an ASUS laptop, such as this one: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a The specs are great and asus is flawless. It's affordable too. :)

This is going to sound weird?

A "goodnight" would be nice. She'll know that you still care, but you aren't crowding her.

Turn Win 7 laptop into a wireless hotspot?

i have been trying all software that deal with internet sharing via wireless adapter, ranging from Connectify, VirtualAP, Dell Laptop to Hotspot Converter and some plenty more but I still fail to get the effect i need. am using Dell Latitude D63o with Win 7 Ultimate SP1 installed, for my internet am using a Huawei E220 3G Modem provided by Zain (now Airtel) with unlimited access. When I tried using Connectify, it kept on conflicting with the modem drivers, the remaining software don't seem to find my internet connection, I only get a '' on the internet connection display box so i cant share a connection through any of the remaining software. using Windows 7 Adhoc networking is also so inconvenient because whenever i protect my connection with a password, other computers fail to establish full connectivity ( i only manage to share internet connection when the connection is insecure). Please help in finding a software to turn my windows 7 laptop into a wireless hotspot hosting an encrypted connection and capabilities for other computers to establish full connectivity.

What is an appropriate wedding gift for someone you can not give cash?

$300 is quiet generous. You can get a very nice piece of china or crystal. One of my most memorable wedding gifts is a china vegetable bowl that doesn't even match my china pattern. I use it at every holiday meal and fondly remember the giver even though it's someone I really didn't know (it came from one of my dad's employees)

Guitar Playing, damaged ring-finger tip?

It is possible to do nerve damage by practicing too hard or too long, but this is usually spread out over all the fingers and it usually requires practicing more than 4-5 hours a day, for weeks. I suspect that you may be using improper technique and have an instrument that has action that is too high. If the pain and tingling continues than you should definitely consult a doctor. I also recommend that you have your instrument adjusted and consult a teacher so that you can be sure that you are not using an improper technique that may be interfering with your playing. (this is very common in self taught players and often results in poor technique which has to be "unlearned" before the student can progress)

I need a non-expensive video card so I can play The Sims 3?

Well, I love to play the Sims 3, but I recently found out that the reason my Sims game has been going bad, (Like going black and then you can see the game and then repeat. Until the power of the computer finally goes off) is because my computer has a really crappy video game card I guess. So I need a new one but it has to be kinda cheap because my dad is really annoying and doesn't like to get very expensive things for a computer. Also it's a Dell Inspiron 530S if that helps. And yes it's a desktop.

What do you think of the latest record breaker?

That's all we need,more imported scum bags messing up this society,either execute them or deport them,its the only answer.

I can't connect to my secured wireless network?

Hi, I'm using my dell inspiron laptop and for some reason I cannot connect to my network. I have the password for it and it is correct but i still can't connect. I connected my ipod to the network and it works just fine but when i try connecting my lapotp is doesn't work?

Which laptop is better for University, MacBook Pro 15' or Dell XPS 15?

Unless you have Windows on your Macbook, you're better off taking the Dell. A computing course at university will mean free access to Visual Studios (arguably the best IDE available) as well as a whole host of other useful programs. So whatever laptop you take, just make sure it has Windows

Can I recover hard drive data?

I had a dell laptop which hard drive had broken down. I took it to the guy at geek squad at best buy and he said that he couldnt recover the data there but that there were other places that could. Where exactly could i send it in?? i also did some research and that the people who recover the data charges a lot of money (not a problem as of now) and that they take it apart in a dust free enviornment?? now i know exactly that i cant do that myself or that dell doesnt do it either so where could i send it in to get the data back, plz its really important.

Has my father affected my view of men in life?

i have no doubt that it has affected you --- but i do not believe in a bad way --- if anything --- your mum and sister have --- i think you are perhaps targetting the wrong people on the back that --- having said that --- you are your own destiny --- only you can judge and make desicions --- good luck

Is it possible to upgrade Inspiron e1505?

I want to know if its possible to upgrade the processor and graphics card on a Dell Inspiron e1505 system.

Need Processor upgrade?

I have a dell gx520 sys with Intel Pentium D 3.2 GHz processor (smithfield), would you please tell me whether i can have a Intel E5800 processor which is a dual core on my system. Thanks

Has being assertive and sticking up for yourself been twisted in being uncivil, rude and callous?

Yes, in many societies. It is not culturally acceptable in America to stand up for your rights, and I find that unbelievably sad.

Booking accommodation under 18 years old, adelaide australia?

I don't know about the beach houses because they usually are private and it depends on the owner of the house but talking about the hotel rooms, for sure you have to be at least 18 years old to allow you to stay in the hotel! If you decide to stay in a hotel, you can ask some of your friends or relatives who are at least 18 to make the booking for you! But it is advisable for the person who makes the booking to accompany you because at the reception desk they will ask him/her to prove that he is the one that make the booking and to prove that he is the owner of the credit card! This is the best you can do for now! And about the booking itself, you can search for hotels in various websites such as,,! they will offer you a wide range of nice hotel accommodation offers and you can easily make your decision! so you can check if you are interested and decide what to do!

Anyone need help on their farms for exchange of food and accommodation? portugal or italy?

hi i am looking to work for food and accommodation in various countries in europe! portugal and italy are the main ones i am interested in!! please let me know. thanks

Why does Harold Camping of Family Radio continue to lead people by the nose ....?

My understanding of the scripture is that ... when it says that a day in the eyes of God is as 1000 years to man ---- it just refers to the eternal nature of God .... so days would really be immeasurable. This is not a definite timeline --- it could jast as easily been spoken of as 5000 years or 10000 years ..... Why does Camping continue to lead people astray ? Does it really increase his wealth ? Does he not know that any legitimate understanding he may have is negated by his erronious and callous calculations ?

Is it rude to stare at people?

Maybe they have a bit of a crush on you. You could ask casually, "What's up?" when you notice either of them staring at you. It's indirect, but it may give you answers.

Dell PowerEdge 1600SC?

Here is the thing, i plugged the server into my monitor and it will go into standby (yellow light) when i unplug you get the normal (no pc connected message)....I also tried my bravia tv which is hooked up to my pc via vga cable and it kept saying no pc connection. So i asked a friend and he sent me a video card for the server, (not sure anything about the card) thinking maybe it was the integrated port. It put it in and it still does the same thing. The connection to both the monnitor and the computer is vga...any ideas?

Albufeira or Santa Ponsa?

Albufeira is a great place but I'm biased as I go to Portugal for a couple of months every year. Old Town Albufeira is basically in a bowl surrounded by hills so yes it's hilly but you can get around. I agree with Roo's answer except for the 40 euros for a meal for two. There are places to get meals for less. Be sure to look for daily specials particularly prato do dia (dish of the day) which you will lots of in Old Town. Do check out tripadvisor for other travellers advice on hotels.

Montreal Immersion for the summer?

I'm looking for a french immersion program for the summer for teens to learn french in Montreal. Please note that they would have to have accommodations for teens to stay in while they're taking the class :)

Web links redirecting me...?

I keep clicking on websites that redirect me to dating sites and the like. These are websites that I've never had problems with on my home mac but on my dell it gives me hell. I can go straight to the site just fine but if I click on a link I'll almost never get the desired result. Can someone recommend some free software to prevent this from happening? It's really starting to irritate me.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is this invitation a bit insensitive, and is my gift idea OK?

For the gift, flowers are totally cool, if you choose to go to the wedding then get a nice card and hand-write your well-wishes inside, heart-felt sentiments mean way more than any other type of gift.

Should the military change itself to make women more comfortable?

No, there shouldnt have to be accomadations. she joined the military knowing what it was. making special accomadations for woman is not equality on the womens part. when u work with a bunch of men u have to deal with their behaviors that come with it. men cant stop being men just because a woman is around.

What do I do??? boy troubles!!.......?

Defiantly need to move on. You won't always be heartbroken, you'll eventually find someone who won't go back to their ex for any reason. And I agree, it also sounds like he's using you for sexual purposes. It also wouldn't be crazy to assume he's cheated with this ex.

Why doesn't my birth chart seem to fit me?

Its your choice, we cannot decide for you. I say pick something that is useful, helpful or beautiful to you. If its none of those dont pick it. Sometimes it can narrow our minds if we are not careful and do not study it in depth.

What accommodations do i need to keep a baby walking stick as a pet?

keeping a baby walking stick is a very big responsibility! They need lots of training and are generally very stubborn. I suggest getting 2 walking sticks, as one may get rather lonely on its own. For the accomodation, you need a large walk in wardobe, with plenty of toys and hiding places to keep them amused. Without toys, walking sticks generally become very unsociable. You must be prepared to take your walking stick for walks EVERY DAY, because, as you may have guessed, walking sticks love walking. You must clean them out weekly, walking sticks make a lot of mess. You can feed them whatever, they'll eat anything. You must also groom them monthly with a high quality polish or varnish. An average life expectancy of a walking stick (with the right care) may live over 100 years so be sure you're prepared for a lifetime of caring for your adorable wooden friends. I have added a link to a picture of me and my walking stick, Brian. Make sure you get your walking stick from a reputable breeder or a shelter, Did you know that thousands of walking sticks get recyled every day because their owners grow old of them? Good luck with your walking sticks!

Date rape drug, hair follicle test, police are clueless?

You don't want callous remarks but you don't mind being callous. I'm sure the police will do what they can to find and prosecute the guilty party and you should learn not to drink from other peoples drinks.

Can glasses cause a swollen spot behind an ear?

I've been wearing glasses for over 10 years and I just noticed today a swollen spot behind my right ear on a bone. It's hard and not sore unless I put pressure on it. Should it be something to get checked out or is it likely to be a callous from my glasses rubbing against it for over half my life?

Can I withdraw from my Student accommodation Tennancy Agreement?

Im not going back to uni so dont see why is shoud pay for a house im not living in...the tennacy starts in september

Applying for a new apartment with an emotional support animal?

I have an emotional support animal (a cat), and am currently looking for a new apartment. I know ESAs are covered under the FHA such that a landlord is required to make reasonable accommodations, including allowing them in "no pets" apartments. Even so, I'm concerned about being rejected from apartments (however illegally) because of my cat if I disclose it on the rental application. When an application asks if I have any pets, do I have to say yes, even though technically it is not a "pet"? Or can I wait until after my application is accepted to present documentation to the landlord?

What am I supposed to do?

tell dad that if he chooses to take a train that you will give the price of his plane ticket towards his train fare(but wouldn't you paying the difference be worth having your dad at your wedding?) give him a list of train schedules and tell him he needs to let you know his plans by a certain date...tell him how excited you are about him being atthe wedding....i hope he does the right thing- good luck

Restore XP pro to factory settings?

I have a Dell Latitude something laptop from like 2001 and i need to restore it to factory settings. I DON'T have the disk so don't tell me to get it. Is there any way to restore it to factory settings without a disk?

How to defend myself in court?

Doesn't matter at all that it wasn't you even in private non school settings where you rent you are ALWAYS held responsible for the actions of your guest. You better start figuring out where you are gonna live soon.

I would just like to know if we could qualify for Council accommodation?

Hi there, I live in a completley different country so I wont be able to tell you. but the only real way for you to find out is to go and fill out the forms and see. you wont know until you try. goodluck

Why would an atheist tell a terminally ill man God doesn't exist?

Doesn't that show you how heartless these people are? They have no compassion for others, even a 5 year old would know better than to talk that way to a dying man.

When Playing Guitar..?

I know that when you first start playing guitar your fingers will hurt until you build up callouses. But if your fingers are hurting really bad when you practice, is it better to take a break or power through it?

Can someone help me with tortoise care?

Go on google and type in how to care for what ever kind of tortise you want! I hope i helped a little.

How does it make Christians feel to know the ruling class has always used religion to subjugate the peasants?

To keep the downtrodden subjugated and keep the subjugated downtrodden; that's the true purpose of organized religion. Manipulate the peasants with scary myths about inescapable judgment and eternal torture in a mythical afterlife realm and make them pay a tithe, make them pay for their own subjugation; organized religion is an elegant system but so callous and cold in its treatment of human beings. It can turn an intelligent and curious child into a scared superstitious moron preaching, "The end is nigh!" to anyone dumb enough to listen. These are the truths Christians refuse to acknowledge; these are the truths that Christians realize with their dying breath, their last seconds of consciousness before they die, right?

What do you think of this poem?

It's an interesting story, which frankly would be better expressed in prose rather than poetry. You have a very good idea of suspense and atmosphere here, which is great, but there are some places where you fall to excessive description, which bogs the poem down. Furthermore, you should aim to be more sincere and intimate in poetry, what are you trying to convey her? Do you have a particular theme? It's an engrossing story but it does not reveal any emotional truth or insight into the human condition.

How much does one Undergraduate year at Oxford University realistically cost?

I would be an international student coming from Canada, so living expenses/accommodations should be included. The field is humanities. I was a little confused by the website... Any past students have any idea? Thank you!

I dont feel any emotion good or bad.?

Nothing bothers me. But nothing REALLY makes me happy. Im not suicidal or depressed but im also not content or happy. Other peoples pain or suffering doesnt bother or concern me. I feel no real love for any one...not even parents. But I dont hate any one either. I truly laugh at funny things. and i make jokes. But they are just jokes. Im insensitive. My ex girlfriends problems seemed trivial and rediculous to me. Racial or religious slurs against me dont bother me in the least. I am callous and blocked to the world around me.

What's up with these weird colors?

Ok, well i have a dell inspiron mini netbook. I have the nickelodeon version if that matters. Since it is nickelodeon themed, it came with a nick them on the inside as well. Nick slime, spongebob stuff, things like that. And, it also came with the option to turn it to a normal theme if you wanted. so i did. I changed it back to a regular windows like, chrome colored theme. It has been on this theme since a week after i got this computer and, i got this laptop like, 2 years ago! the thing is, the theme is all fuzzy. Like, all the colors are all jumbled up. It's just a bunch of fuzz. If you think you know what im talking about, i can email you a screen shot, But does anyone know how to fix this? I have tried everything, reseting the theme, restarting my computer, everything. I need a tech expert

Why is there such heartless cruelty in this world?

All guys are like that or should I say most human beings. You cannot trust anybody in this world I tell ya. I am a very trustworthy guy but I keep my trust level to 80% to whoever I meet no matter how good, loving, caring they are. My family is the only one that gets my 100% trust. Other then that I would trust no one, that's what the world has become. Rumour spreading, back stabbing, disrespectful round oval we live on called the Earth.

Cannot connect to xbox live through laptop?

i have a dell laptop and i use a ethernet cable to connect to xbox live. not it wont connect to xbox live. Possibly because i installed a new AVG what can i do

Where can I find a wifi installation disc for a older about 10yrs Dell Latitude 400 Laptop?

I have the card that slips into the left side but I need the disc to install wifi. I cant find one anywhere!

Am I a nasty Cow? What should I do in future and am I at fault really?

Well, since you failed to tell us WHAT you did to piss her off so much, we can't send you an answer.

Ole Miss student off-campus housing?

Ignore the previous post. You can't trust those sites for reviews because they are usually rigged by management but you can visit each individual complex's websites to find out about pricing, ammenities and pictures. I'm a student here at Ole Miss and I can tell you from experience, you will have the time of your life here regardless of where you live. I live at Lexington Pointe and I love it because they are pretty big and are also really close to campus. It all depends on what your looking for though and also what you are willing to pay. We pay $859 per month in our 2 bedroom apt. If you are looking for more of a college oriented apt complex, I would look at The Connection, University Trails, Campus Creek, or Laffayette place. They are full of college students and you should be able to meet tons of people just living there. Most of these places will randomly choose a roommate for you if you do not have a preference and usually go for about $400 - $500 per month with utilities. Like I said at the beginning, no matter where you live, you will make friends. Were all very friendly down here and people seem to be somewhat drawn into foreign students. I would strongly recommend comming down atleast 2 weeks in advance if you want to find an apartment in oxford. To get you started, stay at the Downtown Oxford Inn while your searching for housing, and eat at Ajax. Best advice I can give you. Go out to the clubs in the square and you will meet alot of people. If you have anymore questions or you need anything when you arrive, you are more than welcome to email me at

How to Wipe Windows 7 on a Dell?

I think when you're talking about wiping Windows 7, you mean restoring it? If so, all you have to do is just restart the computer and at boot, when it shows the logo and some other information, simply push the f11 key. You should only have to do it once, and it should bring up the built-in recovery manager. Then, just follow the instructions that should come up and your Dell laptop will be completely restored.

Why don't they stop cutting money from the people,and get from the banks?

If the money is in the banks,why don't the Tories stop cutting money from the people and instead take it from the banks.The bonus they give the banks is much more than the amount they will take from the cuts they are doing.if the government has no money, they should stop giving bonuses to banks and start taking the money from the banks and invest on the welfare system(Health care,food, accommodation and education).The money they will get from the cuts will not be saved,they will put it in their pockets and spend on their lavish life styles buying ponds for their ducks ,not much different than the banks that take the money from bonuses and make big party for the bankers.

How do i fix my laptop?

i tried to run a game on my inspiron e1505 laptop running xp and gives me a error window saying that no z buffer. i ran a dell PC check up and said i failed the 2D/3D Video Fixed Transformation and Lighting Test. What can i do to fix my laptop?

Can I buy new laptop cover for Dell?

My son scribbling with ball point pen on my laptop cover (it's a yellow cover) and I've tried everything to get it off and nothing happend (it's been about a month now anyways) so could I just buy a new laptop cover maybe even in a different color? :) i refuse to buy another laptop just for scribbles all over it :(

Do you believe in the repairing of sins through penance? Christians only!?

I'm not sure about formal penance, i.e.fasting and flagellation. However I do believe that real repentance includes the desire to make up for wrongs you have committed, for example by apologizing, returning money / goods obtained through theft or fraud and even confessing crimes to the authorities and accepting punishment imposed by the state.

Heartbroken re decision made?

My 18 year old son has had mental health issues for many years namely due to horriffic sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his bioligical father & grandfather. Since he chose to file charges with the police, his biological father committed suicide, his grandfather was called to trial but the prosecutors felt there was not enough 'evidence' to take it to trial & in the publics best interest to withdraw all charges from the grandfather so he got off scott free. I have had my son in multiple private hospitals seeking the best of psychiatric care for the last two years since he left school. He is addicted to drugs, pain medication, marijuana, you name it. He has attempted suicide a multitude of times & last night was the final straw in that he terrified my 3 year old son (his step brother), myself & his step father by indicating we were at harm & to lock ourselves in our bedroom throughout the night, that he cut himself up with a knife across his arms & legs & my fiance had to wrestle a large carving knife from him. We had police come to the house, he had a seizure in front of them & the ambulance arrived to take him to hospital but he walked out of there today as our mental health system in Western Australia is pathetic, they release mental health patients at the drop of a hat. We have told him many times previously that we cannot keep putting up with him living under our roof with his addictions that he doesn't seem to want to address & he is scaring his little 3 year old brother so he has to move out. I am heartbroken telling my own child he is not welcome in our home. He told me today we don't care about him, we don't love him, we only love his little brother, he is our only son & he is going to kill himself & we will have his blood on our hands. I have for years tried so many hospitals, psychs, taken so much time off work jeopardising my job trying to help him, I recently secured him a job & we thought things were going well but he took days off on drug induced illness. I can't help but feel guilty about our decision to have him look for crisis accommodation. I have tried to intervene & help him do this today but he told me to stay out of his life. I feel like I'm a terrible mother & have let my own flesh & blood down.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is This Too Much For Acting School ?

Nope. If you've got money to burn, do what you like. But if you're hoping to have some sort of career afterwards, this is totally meaningless.

Should i work in dubai or kuwait ?

I currently have two job offers, one for 400 KD in Kuwait, the other for 8300 AED in dubai. Im not sure of which one i should go for. which is better for me to save ? Im offered accommodation in kuwait but not in dubai. considering that im a single female. which option would be better

Do local VAs keep copies of important documents for families on file if we lose ours?

My brother has been appointed guardianship over my Dad who has 100% dementia. My brother lost the document and can't find it. Doesn't the VA supposed to have one on file? It would make sense if they did so they would know who was appointed fiduciary, legal guardian etc... I really need help on this. It is very, very important. A woman and my Dad got married without us knowing, (I was at the doctors and my brother was supposed to be on watch, don't know what happened there and that is not relevant now) and now she won't let me see him. Plus, He doesn't remember he is married. I am disabled, took care of my Dad...great care...never sponged off him etc...I don't have much money to hire an Attorney, the VA here said they didn't care if he got married. o.O Great care you have for VETS, local VA! The woman who he married, has an electric fence and cameras on her property.@_@ My Dad is like a prisoner. Plus, the sheriff here said if they are married, they can't make her let me see him. The Attorneys I contacted have not been helpful. Now, my brother says he was appointed guardianship, which I didn't know and he can't find the document. Please daughter who is in the Navy, a medic, got back from Afghanistan and is having a cow!! That woman won't let her see her Pepaw either. Plus, I want to talk to Congress, the Senate, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, the Governor, and Obama. How can the VA here be so callous??! Thank you for answers in advance...♥ I love the VETS and Military period! (i'm in TX. shhh ;])

Use callous in a sentence that has to do something with the Odyssey?

Odysseus's callous treatment of Philoctetes is illustrated when by craft and trickery Odysseus abandoned him.

How to get rid of/stop getting blisters caused by running?

I jog a few miles every day. I have some tennis shoes that I've used for about a year and they seem to fit well, so its not that I'm getting blisters from breaking in new tennis shoes. I know it's about time to get new running shoes anyways, which I've been meaning to do but just haven't gotten around to it yet. But this has been happening for years now, even when I had different shoes. So I don't get it. They dont hurt very much when I'm running, unless its a previous blister that I tried to pop or something. They're more like pressure blisters, like on the sides of my big toes there's blood blisters that are underneath what is now thick callous. So even though my body is getting accustomed to it somewhat, the blisters keep happening! I also get water blisters on the back of my heels. And blood blisters near the bottom of my toenails sometimes. Same story, the blisters start to become more calloused, but why do they keep happening? How can I prevent and/or treat this problem? Is there a certain kind of running shoe I should get that may help? It makes my feet look so ugly too. I really hate it.

Can anyone help me summarize this movie review?

A free-spirited young woman is sold for a life on the road with a strongman. Through her relationship with him and her encounters with a circus clown, she endures physical and emotional hardships as she tries to discover her life's purpose.

If i am made homeless,what should I do(Surrey,UK)?

i hope im never in this situ, but i would firstly try to get some sort of accomodation, so yeah anything that keeps you dry and warm is good and secondly you prob think about where to get food and maybe some kinda job just to get by

Moving into dodgy area?

Welcome to the real world of adult responsibility! Money talks and when you don't have it things can get pretty difficult. Sounds risky to me. Look for a way to stay with friends or family until you get on your feet economically.

Blister under Callous?

I work as a cashier and a few weeks ago I noticed my foot was hurting more and more, I thought from the looks of it it was a corn and thought so until last night, on Friday I bought the corn pads and wore it for two days and it did nothing, on Sunday I bought a scraper and scraped a good part if the callous off, it felt better, but started hurting again eventually, last night i took a look at it and it still had a la\yer of callous and what looked like a fresh blister underneath, I popped the blister and now today, I am in severe pain. Does anyone have any tips or treatments for this? or what it is?

How to find agents and market a new tourism business?

Hi All, We are a new tourism firm in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has been rated No. 1 by the "Newyork Times" in their "Best Places to Go" list. Also, rated No. 2 by the "National Geographic Channel" in their "World's Best Islands to Visit". Sri Lanka offers something for everyone from sandy beaches to ancient & culture; from adventurous wild life to eye-catching green hill country & water falls; from numerous water sports to hiking, trekking and many more sports; and from whale watching to aboriginal people. "Blue Whale" could also be seen here. Considering this all, we have started a new tour firm which offers services to tourists by arranging itineraries, guides, drivers, luxury vehicles as well as star hotel accommodation and a verity of Western, Arabic, Chinese or local food. We have very good relationships with local hotels. We have successfully did a couple of tours with some tourists from the USA, the UK as well as from Germany. Now we would like to expand our market. Please could you provide some suggestions as to how we can expand the services ? How we can find marketing agents ? We have a website. However, we are still not sure how many of the executives who would like to go on a holiday may use internet to search for different kinds of tour operators and compare their services. Because I think our target audience may be a bit busy people (a person without a job may not afford a holiday logically) and thus such people may not use internet much to search for tour operators I think. Please suggest me. Thanks a lot in advance.

Where should i live in dubai ?

Ill be moving to dubai within the next month. currently searching for accommodation. ill be working in healthcare city. where should i search for accommodation in ? considering that i wont have a car for a while there. i need the closest place.

What benefits are we entitled to?

Hi,Have a look at this site,it should answer all your questions. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why is it so easy for men to walk away from relationships?

Men who say they want to take a break of some sort, 90% of the time have another woman he is already seeing, wants to see and have to spend time with her to get close, or is hitting on him and he's told her that he is single and available. Men don't grieve over failed relationships like women do. We believe that the way to get over a woman is with another woman. It doesn't always work because he may not find a woman who wants him but if he does, it definitely makes the transition smoother. If he is ignoring you or putting you on the back burner during these time-outs, there is definitely someone else in his life. Guard your heart at all costs.

Dell Inspiron Audio Help?

the audio driver you got could still be incorrect. if that's the case, getting a right one installed should fix the issue. try if no help there, hope this dell site a href="" rel="nofollow" can be helpful to you instead. the program there offers free scan and may help you get the driver you need and fix the issue. good luck to you. ;)

Gender Studies: What do you think of this article...?

It's sad babe but patriarchal programing even gets into the heads of some women. It is cruel and sad but blame where blame is due I always say. It's male dominated society that created these practices.

R&S: Why should first-world countries be morally forced into helping the third world?

Is it the taxpayer's fault of the first-world countries why the third world is in such a bad shape? No, it isn't. Anytime a hard working, contributing member of society says enough is enough and actually wants their tax-dollars to be used for their own country's best interests, they get called a callous and selfish person. Third world countries should be left to their own devices, and we shouldn't be morally forced into helping them and giving them our money for nothing in return.

What wireless router do I need for my dell inspiron 1750? How do I know which to buy?

The E1000 is an entry level wireless N router with a 100Mb switch. This router runs 802.11n in the 2.4GHz frequency (~130Mbs) to be backward compatible with 802.11b/g. The downside is that if you have a mixed wireless client environment at home (Wii/Blackberry) - 802.11b/g, newer laptop with 802.11n) you will only ever get a max of 802.11g speeds. If you have any 802.11b only clients, your performance could be much less. If you have a mixed environment and really think you need 802.11n speeds then you should be looking at the E3000. This device has two separate radios (2.4GHz and 5GHz). You would then dedicate the 5GHz to your 802.11n and use the 2.4GHz for 802.11b/g connections. You also get a gigabit capable switch vs. 100Mb). Running 802.11n in the 2.4GHz frequency in theory is 130Mb/s and in the 5GHz frequency that is pushed to 300Mb/s. Keep in mind, that you will never get the advertised speeds, not even on b/g as the wireless protocol has a very large overhead. You are lucky if you actually see half of that speed. The 2.4GHz frequency does travel farther than 5GHz but with speed tradeoffs. 2.4GHz is also more susceptible to interference from the microwave, baby monitor, or anything else that runs in the 2.4GHz frequency.

Is this invitation a bit insensitive, and is my gift idea OK?

Tell her you cannot afford to go. For a gift send something involved with food (kitchen utensils, dishes, etc)

Team Fortress 2 crashes during opening?

I downloaded TF2 after it became free from Steam. The first time I tried to open it, it made it just past the Valve clip in the opening before the screen disappeared. The entire time, the screen for TF2 stayed small and centered in my screen. I've checked the system requirements, possible interference by anti-virus programs, and my game cache. Has anyone else had this problem and, if so, how did they solve it? In case it matters, I have a Dell Inspiron 1420, but Windows 7.

How do I get rid of a finger callous?

I got this by writing I have tried everything possible to get rid of it and it never comes off. It may be gross and I do hate it. So how should I get rid of it???

Where's the coolest place to go skiing in Victoria, Australia?

For a bunch of restless, bored twenty-somethings with not that much money. Advice on accommodation would also be great!

VGA splitter question. I have two old style monitors that I have connected to one Dell pc that I bought in?

2010. Instead of one populated screen showing up on one screen, with the second screen available for additional applications, I am getting a duplicate image on each screen. How do I fix this problem?

Blue screen dell desktop?

ahhhhhhhhhhh been dealing with these blue screens and it isnt fun 2 of my cpus are down because of it i want to get 1 working at least and for cheap/free ----- ok ok the problem is i get a stop error c0000221[bad image checksum] image SHDOCVW.dll i wanna get this done soon. i have a couple of blank cds in case i need to download something and a flash drive or sumthing for storage but i cnt find any of my floppy disks OH and no starter cds srry : (

OS won't boot (deleting directx the cause)?

I have a three year old Dell Inspiron 1525 running Vista. I was having trouble with directx trying to play a game and accidentally deleted (now knowing that was extremely stupid). It takes 7-10 mins to load after that you just see the mouse then it just reboots. I do not have any system restores and want to recover my files before trying to wipe and reinstall the whole OS. I already tried to repair the system using the OS disc but it didn't seem to work. Anybody have any suggestions or advice to fix the problem or have a way to recover my files before I contact tech support?

I currently live in the UK in London, I would like to relocate to the USA?

Here is an honest answer. You do not say what your nationality is so I will presume you are British. It is simply impossible for a Brit to move to the U.S. To get a temporary work visa you must be highly educated, skilled , and experienced in a much needed job and find an employer to sponsor you. Always nearly impossible, and right now just plain impossible. To immigrate to the U.S. you must have an American relative to sponsor you. Period. there is no visa that will allow you to live and work in the U.S.Unemployment is one wants or needs foreign workers. Immigration to the U.S. is harder than riding a bicycle to Mars...cannot be done. You need to look around for other the E.U. You could not afford to live in Manhattan anyway...costs 4 times as much as any other city in the U.S. As to living "easily" in the!...most Americans are working as hard as they can ( IF they can find a job) and are barely managing to hang on. If you truly want a chance to live and work in the U.S for a year ( NOT N.Y.), see site below for a company that helps young people do that.

What is a average daily cost in India?

i travelled India for two months did the who yoga Dala Lama bit then the Goa thing briefly. I traveled on public transport everywhere third class is fine on the trains but if staying over night i'd upgrade to second just for comfort..a couple of quid will more than cover transport and the cheaper the transport the more exciting i found. Met some wicked Indians :) have fun its truely magical

Pc won't turn on. PLZ help!?

I started downloading a pretty big file off of the Internet ( 7 GIGS ) and then I left my house to go see a movie and get some dinner. It was about 6 hours before I got home. When I got home my PC was on the Dell boot up screen and was not making any progress. So I unplugged it plugged it back in unplugged all the extensions restarted it and everything, and it still won't boot up. Will some one please help me. Its a PC running Windows 7 by the way.

The guy I consider my best friend I think there is something wrong with him?

What it seem to me like, is that your friend is still hurt about what happen between his ex, its like he blame him self for what happen and is afraid that he may hurt someone or people may think of him the way she felt. And he does not want that so he has his guard up all the time, trying not to make anyone think of him that he changes with not even knowing. So the best thing I thing you could do for him is just be there for him and if you find that at times he not himself just give him time and he will come around.

Pentium 4 Cpu Compatibility?

I have a Dell optiplexGX 260 and a 270, I wanted to put the 270's cpu in the 260...Even though they are different speeds they are both pentium 4, Can i do this?

It sounds stupid,but my big toes seem to be an accident-magnet? :(?

I think every ones feet are the main target for getting hurt, I mean all the painful stuff is close to the ground. Dropped nails or tacks, bees on flowers, rocks, hot sand, corners of furniture, I could go on forever. My feet aren't so great either. My sister had to get surgery also, but it was because her bones weren't growing right. My toenails ALWAYS hurt. I think its because they're like digging into my skin. When my sisters feet were hurting for the first time, she went to some kind of foot Doctor, my god sister also went to one for foot problems. Maybe that would help you out?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Message on my Dell says Stop coooo135(unable to locate componate) This application has failed to start becaus?

user 32.dll was not found. re-installing the application may fix this problem. ( But I don't know what or how) HELP

Can i use my Dell Laptop Windows Disk to install Windows in other PC?

I got a Dell Laptop which has Windows 7 Pro Original CD.... Due to some emergency case i need to install Windows 7 on some other PC.... Currently i have only 1 disk of Windows 7 that is the Dell one.. Can i use that disk to install Windows on other PC?? I mean if i install using that CD, will it activate using same key i can enter another key which i have??

Inspiron d620 no backlight?

Dell Latitude D620 Troubleshooting troubleshooting, repair, ... Display is very dim or has no display at all. Dim Backlight; Blank Display ...

Losing my faith, why has god been so callous towards my family?

The last 4 years my dad has died, my husband who has always taken care of himself had a heart attack, and know my mom has a mass in her stomach that from what the doctor said "looks cancerous", not mention the fact she already has heart problems and Kidney failure. It seems like everyone around me that I love is dying or is having massive health issues. I am starting to lose faith because i cannot understand what I or my family has done to deserve all of this. Is the god I have always followed and prayed to at night this callous towards those he says he loves? I know there are many people in the same situation and worse than me but that just makes me want to understand his logic even more.

How much does it cost to replace a battery and get a new frame for a computer?

Okay, I've had this computer for around 2 years, the frame {you know, the stuff around the screen and keyboard} is damn near destroyed, and the battery is so bad it can only hold a 15 minute charge. I use a Dell Windows 7 computer, it was around 1,000 dollars. In all seriousness, how much would it cost to replace these things? 100$? 500$? Or can you not replace them? Also, I wouldn't mind also knowing how much it costs to replace a screen, because the screen also has water damage...

Does anyone know what that hard callous comes from on the big toe?

you could use a pumice stone, you just buy one of those and a good foot wash or cream and scrub it off, it usually stays away for a while

How can I get the internet on my net book?

I have a dell net book with the WIRELESS card built in.When I first got it it picked up the internet from my WIRELESS router.But it will not now.You can see that it is trying to pick up the router but don,t.It is not the Internet because my other lap top is fine.Please help if you can.Thanks.

Temporary accommodation with an infant - do they have to put me in a 2 bedroom?

The home I currently live in is about to be reconstructed so myself and my 5 month old baby will be homeless, I was warned and informed the council when i found out i was about to become homeless but i recieved no reply so i went down there with a letter stating the date that i will have to be gone by. they said i cant do anything until that date and then on the day they will put my in temporaty accomodation.. what is temporary accomodation like and will they put me in a 2 bedroom because i have a child or am i more likely to get a bedsit regardless of having a child?

I have a dry rash like accumulation of bubbles on my finger? ?

The skin is dry on and around this rash thing. They look almost like blisters, but the skin is hard as if there was a callous. It showed up about a week ago, but it's gotten worse and it's very sensitive to the touch. Does anyone have an idea as to what this is?

Is there a way people can see what im doing on another computer?

i have a notebook dell and other ppl in my family have computers and the main computer. is there a way they can c wat im doing. i just like to keep my things private

Are alpha males typically...?

I believe that a Alpha male can have all or some of those trails but I believe that all Alpha males are arrogant snots. I dont like that type of man and will have nothing to do with him. Its not that I want to be the dominant one, I dont respect a man who allows a woman to be dominant either cause I dont want to have to tell a man what to do. But I also dont want to be treated like shyt and those types of men usually take advantage of a woman and take her for granted. Of couse this is my opinion of that type of man.

Should conspiracy theories be outlawed?

I totally reject the premise that conspiracy theories, as such, should be banned. I am not inclined to give conspiracy theories the light of day - I see such theories as popular among elements of both "left" and "right" that do not understand the interconnection of ideas. Conspiracy theories are admittedly often highly destructive, but the solution there is counterspeech, not censorship. Those who think that the government can ban conspiracy theories without such a move entailing a reign of censorship that goes out of control are, I submit, simply not in touch with reality.

Wich date place would you take a girl on a first date (all are an option)?

Miniature golf. Movies. Park. A walk down the street. (BTW she's my neighbor) bowling. Ice skating. A volleyball game ( her life revolves around playing volleyball) in school sports games. Plays. School dance. A dinner (if so were? Micdonald's, subway, burgers, Japanese, buddy bbq, callous etc.) I need help with this, and this only, I've got a huge chance of her saying yes.

Ex wife looks SO very good to me, but she ignores me and?

i was out one night and I heard some co workers talking about how they'd love to be with her. I mean, she is absolutely gorgeous now. Long thick eyelashes, long jet black hair, nice toned body. Not to mention her backside-UNBELIEVABLE. She doesn't even look like she had kids. She won't even consider a date with me since I cheated on her and I admitted it to her. I tried talking to her about it and she either ignores me or is very callous. She refuses to have a convo with me outside of our two kids. I asked her if she needed me to cut her grass or fix her car. She says no to everything. How can I get her to open up to me again? I thought we were at least friend when she dropped the child support because she makes alot of money with her business. I admitted cheating to her, thinking that would save us, but she left me. What can I do to get her back?

Where can i watch movies online for free and without making a account?

i want to watch movies on my dell laptop. everytime i search up on google for any websites where i can watch them for free , it giving me a website and whenever i click the button for watch now or download it takes me to another website where i have to make an account , and put my cerdit card number. So can you guys give me the actuall link . but i dont want any websites where i have to make an account or pay .

What happens to computers and laptops taken to UK tips?

I've been to several local tips and seen loads of computers and laptops being thrown away. I was wondering what happens to these and whether I'd be able to ask to take them. Several of the computers I've seen have been like Mac-book Airs, Dell Alienwares and some touch screen all-in-ones. I know they probably are broken but I could put the parts to good use. Do you know if it's allowed or would I have to pay?

Why does this growth on my finger never go away?

I'm going to call it a "permanent callus" because I don't know what else it could me. When I entered kindergarten at age 5 we started learning to write with pencils. I had a bad habit of pressing down really hard with the pencil to the point where it would hurt. It was a surprisingly difficult habit to break. Pressing down on the pencil made a callous type growth develop on the spot where the pencil would lean on my middle finger. When I stopped writing by hand for my homework in the 3rd grade, the callous finally began to shrink down again.. BUT it never shrunk down entirely. I'm now entering college and the mini bump is still there even though I don't use pens or pencils to write anything. So what is this a permanent callous? or is it like a bunion on my finger? Is it because I was so young when it first developed?

Why don't I feel the emotion to help other people?

Its not even human to feel compassion for other people. I hardly ever cry heck I cant even remember the last time I cried, but that doesn't mean I don't feel bad. I have been guilty about what you have just stated where someone had said something so touching and everyone else was on the verge of tears, while I was faking it. You cannot do anything about it until horrible things start happening to you and those you care about then you will start relating with other people in pain.

Does anyone know a great place to stay in the Canary Islands?

My husband and I want a quiet beach holiday for about 2 weeks this July or August and we're thinking of the Canary Islands as we've never been there but we love Spain and have been to a million other Spanish-speaking locations. We'd like somewhere that's easy to fly to from Dublin, has nice sandy white beaches (we know some of the beaches in the Canaries have black sand, not white, so we'd like to stay clear of those) and away from crowds of noisy British and Irish tourists. Last summer we had to put up with an apartment block full of British teenagers blaring loud music at 4am every morning and we don't want a repeat of that. If anyone can recommend a nice spot, with reasonably priced QUIET accommodation, please let us know. Thanks!

Is a graphics card also known as a video card?

When I have scrolled online it is slow and choppy (with lines). Is that caused by a faulty video card or driver? What is the best compatible video driver for a Dell Inspiron 5160 laptop computer? Does Card, Graphics XGI, XP5, 32 MB I5160 describe a video card or graphics card? Was or was not the Inspiron 5160 even configured originally with an installed video card or was it built into the motherboard?

Where are the rights of the FATHER?

woman was so horned up didn't take the pill , the morning after etc.etc.....certainly didn't insist on a rubber..guy not only was horned up but absolutely didn't want a do use them being responsible but never ''want to'' are making an argument for less than 1% of instances

Dell Inspiron WLAN card not working...?

I recently reinstalled my operating system on my Dell Inspiron 1525 because of cluttered drives. I deleted everything, and now my wireless internet does not work. I HAVE ALL THE DRIVERS, AND MY ROUTER WORKS FINE ON ALL OTHER DEVICES. The light will not go on when I turn the switch to the on position, and I dont have any "F" keys for it. Please says I have the drivers installed, but there was a problem with the card using them...theyre the real drivers straight from Dell.

Gender studies: Most mothers ADMIT to favoring sons...?

It can work the other way around too. Men generally spoil their daughters and are more critical of their sons. Where do you think the terms "mama's boy" and "daddy's girl" came from?

Can I do serious injury to my hand like this ?

Just recently I bought a pair of boxing gloves. I don't have a punching bag so I've tied a piece of styrofoam wrapped in leather to a tree and am hitting that. I had only punched it for a few minutes when my knuckles started to bruise. The next day I went out and hit the pad on the tree for another few minutes and now my knuckles are bruised even more. Are my knuckles meant to bruis ? Will they just get tougher, like when your hands get callouses from doing a lot of digging, or will I end up seriously injuring my hands ? Is it alright to keep hitting this pad on the tree ? Any information about the affect this could have on my hand would be appreciated. I'm a curious guy, so be sure to incorporate why I should stop, or why it's alright for me to keep going in your answer. Thanks a bundle.

Am I Doing Something Wrong Wit…‡

a href="" rel="nofollow" might give you some tips on playing better?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tingbjerg Kollegiet for a foreign student?

do you know how is Tingbjerg Kollegiet?I will come to Copenhagen in august and I may receive an offer for accommodation here,so I was wondering if anyone could tell me how it is,and also how is the neighbourhood for a student?

How is mafia 2 so slow on my commuter ?

I got the demo on my commuter and when i first ran it it was running at 3.4 fps. i have a inspiron 1520 dell. pleaz help!


a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I am a hs qb and I have developed a sore/ callous on my throwing(index) finger. Any help?

I was throwing the football one day and I threw a hard pass. The skin on the tip of my index finger which is the finger i throw off ripped a little and now I have a sore/ callis on the tip. Now when I throw off of it it hurts very bad and stings. I can't just stop throwing bcuz I have football practice and 7on7. Anyone have any suggestions on how to heal his back to normal, because the skin is very tender.

I don't know how to be nice?

Universal love. Never give up never back down. Friendly manner comes with great success! Value your friendship be honest, tell only the truth know the truth. Respect your parents elders. There is one god, seek him. All the best

How do i hook up my dell laptop to my sanyo tv that doesnt have an hdmi input?

the tv has only s-video in and out, my laptop doesnt have s-video at all, it has an hdmi, but the cord i have doesnt comunicate (hdmi to the red, white, yellow) i cant find any settings on my computer that make it work, help!


I have a dell inspiron duo, and it has 1.5ghz intel atom (which is really crappy) although i wan to upgrade it to make it fast, but i don't know how...... please, anything useful will help!

Why wont my computer recognize *ANY* iPod's that I plug into it?

Ok so I'm trying to put new songs on my iPod Touch from iTunes. And when ever I plug in my iPod to *ANY* of the 4 open USB ports on my computer, it doesn't recognize the iPod. I've tried it with my brothers friends new iPod Touch and that doesn't recognize it. So I have no idea what to do!!! Is my computer just stupid? HELP!!! Oh and just so you know I have a 2005 Dell Dimension E510 with Windows XP Media Center Edition.

Reformatting a computer help needed?

Hey guys, I am having a lot of trouble reformatting a computer. I used Darik's Boot and Nuke (Which took literally 56 hours!) to wipe it since it was ridden with viruses. I have an iso burned to a blank disc (windows xp) to start it back up but nothing is working. I keep getting "No boot sector on internal hard drive" error even though I am trying to start it from a disc. Could anyone please help? The computer is a XPS M140 Dell laptop and I have a USB if it needs to be used as well. I have been troubleshooting this for a few hours now. =(

Which laptop is better: The Dell XPS 15z ($999.99 model) or the Alienware m14x ($1099 model)?

Im willing to pay at most $1100 for a laptop and not much more. I need a laptop thats reliable, that wont brake easily and has a lot of memory. While i would love a laptop that can play almost every game at 100%, gaming is not my main priority. It would just need to run tf2, hl2, Garys Mod, Fallout 3 and minecraft (maybe more in the future) . So, which one should i get?

Can you put a webcam on a Inspiron 100 Dell labtop ?

I just wanted to know because im buying a webcam from walmart and I wanna know can you put it on an old dell laptop ?

Renting accommodation to have a party (approx. 100 people) one night, Birmingham, UK?

I am looking for a place to have a prom after-party, a lot of people, and so it would need to be suitable, does anyone know of anything?

Skiing at Mt. Baw Baw! Advice on cheap accommodation?

We're on a super tight budget! Also what would be the easiest and, again, the cheapest way to get there from Melbourne? Any other noteworthy things we should watch out for? Most of us are inexperienced, never having skied before. Thank you!

$400 for your stay in Malaysia ?

I'll be bringing $400 us dollars with me. I will stay in KL for 5 days. I will spend 70/80 ringgit per night for my accommodation. Is that amount enough?

Which PC configuration should I go with?

unless you are going to be a hardcore gamer, either choice works. The second has better processor and video card, but is more expensive. Your choice. flip a coin.

Do men here know how damaging circumcision is, and how much sensation they've lost?

Circumcision isn't all that catastrophic, guy. An orgasm is an orgasm, and you can still get there, perhaps even drawing out the experience.

I have a HUGE problem with my computer!!!!?

A few days ago, I atempted to update my old computer with the newest software. But now, strange is happening. When I open my brower, ads keep reappearing everywhere from sites I don't know heard of, even on my FB page! I tried everything, like deleting programs I don't use, and System Restore. To make things worse, 30 minutes after I log into my account to my computer,my computer crashes,and I see a blue screen that has a code xc000000021. Please help me! I cant afford to re-program everything in my computer again! I have a Dell Windows XP Home Edition SP3 and my browser is Firefox

Where's the coolest place to go skiing in Victoria?

For a bunch of restless, bored twenty-somethings with not that much money. Advice on accommodation would also be great!

Should I just buy a Macbook?

Yes, definitely. You're lucky you have the cash for the Macbook, I want the exact one as you and since money is so tight for me I'm settling for the refurbished late 2009 white Macbook. It's a beautiful computer with extremely high quality. You can't go wrong with a mac aside from price. If you want the best quality computer to last and get things done fun and efficiently totally go for it. I envy you, get it, it's an amazingly high standard machine. I highly recommend it, once you go Mac you never go back...

B&A: Can you critique a few more poems?

Wow! Your poems left me speechless! You are a great poet; never stop writing! Adding a little bit more lines to the last poem could leave a more lasting impression on the reader, but, they are all fine the way they are! Look out Robert Frost! (:

I would just like to know if when I want to rent accommodation privately?

Pay stubs, Tax Return, Credit history and references. Lacking all those you would need a parent to cosign and guarantee rent and damages

My landlord of 2 years in Uttaranchal wants me to vacate after a verbal agreement of four years. Pl advise?

nothing in writing, yer's his property and he can do with it as he pleases, since there's nothing in writing..... you should have moved the first time you paid him anything and there was no receipt..... hard lesson learned.....

Was this rude of him to say?|?? please help advice pleaseee!?

U tell him u don't have that kind of money , and I can't pay for it. So go ahead and be an ******** and take your ex . And if he takes her dump him on his ***. And please don't be one of those girls that will take him back bcuz he said he waz sorry and he won't do it again. His ex shouldn't even come up in you guys relationship unless u ask about her. And please don't tke my advice if your not going to use it

Are we moving into a hypersensitive hypoallergenic society?

yes everyone is way to sensitive and way to sick all the time we start with it the kids last place gets a trophy, why last place shouldn't get a trophy they try harder to get first place next year and all the kids with adhd please try stop giving ur kids soda and pop tarts for breakfast

How to print photos with my Dell Printer?

I have a Dell P513w all in one printer and it does photo prints too. I have finally gotten all my pictures ready on the computer to print but I have no idea where to put the photo paper in this printer as my other printers from the past have had separate trays. Please help I need to print these immediately!

Im looking for a good Spanish language school in Buenos Aires?

Try Expanish Spanish School they are pretty central and have a range of courses from Intensive Spanish, One to One, Crash Course etc.

What is this bump on my feet and how can i get rid of it?

I have a bump on the inside of both feet at the joint of both big toes. They've gotten rough feeling and callous like. I know when I wear flats that's where the shoe touches. What are these bumps and how can I get rid of them?

Do you like the poetic landscape my goodtwin has painted with these words?

Indeed I do. Thank you sis to post it and hugs for both you and Ben. Kels would like to sing his name and has told him so.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

As an Asian-looking son of a White dad and Asian mom should I be angry at them for emasculating all Asian men?

at first i thought it was only black/white mixed people who were crazy now i think its all biracials who have issues

Which labtop should i get for college?

I'm going to a 4yr university in the fall i don't know which labtop to get, everyone is going with the macbooks i just don't like those for some reason, i don't like the interface i prefer the old microsoft xp that im used to like on desktop computers, i also like buttons that are "clicky" if you know what i mean, i was thinking like an ordinary toshiba or dell maybe? i heard HP's suck i liked those, any feedback is great, thanks!

Does my computer have a SD slot?

I would be surprised if it didn't since the Inspiron 530 I got 2.5 yrs ago has one. On mine, there's this sliding door on the front of the PC just under the CD/DVD drive. Under the door there are all these slots - sd card readers and usb jacks. Look there. worse comes to worse, your printer may have one.

I am looking for a dell inspiron lap top?

I am looking for a dell inspiron lap top preferably a 15r or 15r 2nd generation but what is the ideal type of ghz processor, and is fast and reliable? How slow is a 2.3 ghz processor? o

Have I been Discriminated at work?

Yours is the only one that management helped reorganize. You said you needed a special accomodation that required it to be neat, so they're requiring that you keep it that way. They other people aren't claiming to need theirs organized in order to do their jobs. You are.

What is disabling maplestory on my laptop?

So i havent played maplestory in a while and recently i decided to try an install it again. So i installed it on my dell mini laptop and when I click on the game launcher the splash screen pops up, i press start then the hackshield thing pops up. It gets stuck on 2 bars for a while then finishes suddenly and thats it. Maplestory doesnt start up and if i check my processes it says that maplestory.exe is running but suddenly dissappears from the list. Another thing that is wierd is if I try to run as adminstrator i get an error saying the service cannot be start either because it is disabled or because it is not with a device that enables it (something like that). I tried turning off my firewall and symantec endpoint protection because i figured maybe that was the problem and still the same thing happens. I have been able to run maplestory on my laptop in the past so im not sure what happened all of the sudden. Any help is grealty appreciated. thanks!!

Is my mom rapid cycling bipolar?

She sounds like she is more than bipolar she needs professional care how old are you as you may want to call social services to have her checked out

I finally got into Uni but..?

This year i applied to do illustration at 5 uni's but got rejected by them all. Obviously this was really horrible, and I didn't cope well at all. Anyway after months of worrying, I used ucas extra and finally got a place at uni...but something about it doesn't feel right. I applied for graphic design, but apparently my personal statement suggested I should be doing advertising design and so they invited me for an interview for that course instead. I don't want to do advertising, but thought well maybe they'll agree and put me on the graphic design course. When I arrived they had no idea I was going for an interview, and no idea that i had been recommended for the advertising course. I told the interviewer honestly that I actually wanted to do graphic design. They looked at my work, and offered me a place there and then, saying I can change to graphics in september if I really want to, but they want me to do advertising. I was so happy, but now it's been over a day since I was there, they haven't updated my track or sent me and email or anything, and if I have an offer I need to apply for accommodation next year. I'm starting to really think about it, I cant help but be critical of the universities organisation and I dunno...I just have this gut feeling that somethings not right.I have no idea what to do. Everyone is so happy for me and automatically assumed i'd go, but now i'm starting to think about using ucas extra again. Does anyone have any advice?

USA or Canada; Which is better?

If u talk about engineering I would definitely say go for USA because as I don't have to mention world top most engineering colleges are in USA. But you will get all standards of college/university. So, you have to be conscious about that while choosing the college. And talking about the accommodation fees and all, good universities has some part-time job for the students. I don't suggest people to go abroad for bachelors. Rather I would suggest them to have their bachelors completed first and then apply for Masters. You said your are from India. I think India has very good engineering colleges, private as well as government for bachelor level study.

Dell inspiron battery drain during net?

my laptop battery drain fast during using wifi, full charged battery is drained in 65 to 70 minutes,

Please could you explain this decision to me, I am currently living in temporally council accommodation?

It basically means that the council has judged that it needn't assume responsibility for finding new housing for you, as you should be capable of doing so yourself.

Am I at risk for warts?

Hey guys. I'm 20. Yesterday my friend was over & asked me what was on his hand. He thought it was some type of callous. I said it's definately a wart, and he seemed to be in denial. He was picking at it, but not to the point where it was bleeding or anything like that, just lightly while he was showing me. We were playing catch with a baseball after that, and I might have given him a handshake before he left, I really don't remember because I wasn't focusing on it at the time. Am I at risk guys? I'm worried & I do not want a wart/warts. Thanks!

How much money should I bring to Boracay? In PHP.?

The sky is the limit. If you want a quiet vacation you will spend less. If you want to party your sell into oblivion then you will need at least P20k a day.

How much spending money to take to Kenya?

I'm traveling to Nairobi for about 6 weeks and am wondering how much money (US) I should expect to spend. My accommodations and food will be provided for. Basically, I just need to bring money for any incidentals or souvenirs.

Any cheap guest houses or hotels in bangkok?

located near Khao San Road. I would like to travel there directly from the airport and what I have gathered from other world travellers is that Khao San Road is known for finding cheap accommodation. I would like to narrow down a list of hotel or guest house names in advance or perhaps transcribe them in Thai language.

How should i upgrade my pc? plz also mention which products should i use?

to upgrade your processor you have to do a bit of research on what processor is compatible with your motherboard so you have to find out first what type of motherboard you have. For your ram, determine how many slots you have..try upgrading to 4gb if not at least 2gb. And finally for your video card, you should try to upgrade to a higher memory like radeon 5770 1024mb but be sure that your power supply meets the recommended power for the video card you choose....

Just found a blind pigeon?

im afraid the best thing u or somebody. should ring its neck it will not survive in the wild nor with your help sorry.

RHH: What do u think of the verse?

9/10 some of the metaphors could be a little more clever but its still better then anything you can hear on the radio

Will this monitor reduce eye strain ?

Thats definately big enough to reduce the strain. But you could save yourself quite a bit and pick up an acer 22" lcd. I have noticed no differece in lcd's at 60-75hz. But in the old days of CRT's there was a huge difference.

Question about circumcision?

I was circumcised as a baby and I read somewhere that by being circumcised the head of your penis gets exposed to clothes and then callouses becoming less sensitive. If I want to get rid of the dryness and to restore the sensitivity would covering the head with tape work?

I dreamt I wanted to kill myself?

The other night I dreamt I wanted to kill myself. Oddly, it was a reoccurring dream at first. This dream in a nutshell usually involves me fighting with my older sister, often violently, and usually she is berating me, making me feel awful and miserable. I have these dreams often enough and they are emotionally draining, and I wake up in a terrible mood. (We are really close in reality) During the dream I became overwhelmed with her and resolved to kill myself, and she was callous about it when I told her. During the dream I had been thinking about killing myself, but not wanting to actually die. (That is probably why I told her I was going to do it in the dream) Just looking for some input as to why this reoccurring dream was different this time around. Any thoughts?

Blister-like wart/callous on side of toe?

It's about the size of a pea and is on the side of my second to last toe (the little one). It's flesh-colored, but does not hurt when I touch it. Can anyone explain what it is and how to get rid of it?

Dell Web Camera Central?

First of all you cant make videos with background effects in dell webcam why dont you try this site it will be helpful

How do i go about leaving my selfish mother to live her own life without me in it?

i live with my mum, she is a selfish woman and ive had it with her i wanna leave her house but im 19 doing my A Levels full time. I hope to leave for uni next year, BUT I CANT HANDLE LIVING WITH HER ANYMORE. i work 8 hours a week the only time I have free; ma wages are not enough to pay for an accommodation. What other options do i have? shes d only family i have here in the UK.

Would you keep reading based on these first 2 paragraphs?

I enjoyed it and would totally keep reading it. I really have no tips, it appears great to me. I thought it flowed nicely.

I need to find accommodation for one night close to the Palais Theatre in St Kilda Australia.?

You could try - it lists apartments and rooms in people's houses. It has reviews so you can tell if a place is good or not. It's usually cheaper than a hotel too.

I'm looking for the title of a Chinese story of a child at a moon festival?

The Moon Lady by Amy Tan? It is catalogued under Schields in our library. It's a children's book, but I think it's the same story.

How long will it take for me to get callouses by playing guitar?

Oh dear, why would you want calluses? Eek... I think they'd prob take a while to develop, but protect those fingers I say lol

Any recommendable (and affordable!) hotels/B&B's in Greenwich village/Soho?

My mom and I are coming to NYC from august 22th - 28th and are looking for good accommodation in the Soho area - and affordable - so we'll have lots of money to spend on other things ;-)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Callouses from playing the electric bass?

I'm just learning to play the bass guitar and obviously, I'm working on some callouses. I was just wondering how to make it not better, but, I guess make my fingers feel better after practice? That sounds disgusting but, oh well. Any ideas? Thanks! (sorry if I misspelled or was vague. I don't really know what I'm trying to say. Haha.)

Why is my Dell inspirion screen going off?

I've had my Inspirion 1521 for about 3 years now, whenever i try to start my computer with the charger in, or attempt to charge my computer while its still in use, the screen goes black, and i have no idea why. it happens every time.

My Windows XP dell was taking pictures on "send to" D and preparing them and burning them to cd. Now it's not?

I would highlight the pictures, then call edit, click send to "D" a cd-r disk and a program would export the files to another holding location, give me an icon on the bottom of the screen and ask, "do you wish to burn these files to cd?" I would say yes and it would. Now it doesn't do anything. it has been replaced with a Roxio drag to file. What am I doing wrong??

Disney Animation Studios Internship? - this site provides similar internships for college student and some tips about application.

R&S: Should the U.S isolate from the rest of the world?

I agree and disagree with you on this one; the USA should stop missions that are detrimental to it, but should continue missions for the greater good of the world. They shouldn't attack foreign governments as the US Army, but as part of the US-led UN peacekeeping team. And, they shouldn't attack- violence is last resort. Honestly, keeping completely out of the business of the international world would the USA at risk- it wouldn't know foreign activity and therefore would have a limited view on potential terrorist attacks, etc. However, it definitely should curb its current activities.

Emaling long videos from an iPod Touch?

Im making a new webshow on YouTube. The webcam on my laptop (Dell) has TERRIBLE video quality, so I am using my iPod to record for my show. However, when I tried to send my video to my email, using my iPod, a message appeared saying that the video was too long. Is there a way that I can send a long video from an iPod?

My dell inspiron 1545 turned Itself off and won't turn back on?

My laptop was on and I had just unlocked it from lock mode and I saw that it was battery (like 15 minutes left) so I plugged my charger in. As soon as I plugged it in it just turned off. Now the charger won't glow to tell me it's charging, and the laptop wont turn on at all. When I pressed the power button it didn't do anything- there was no reaction at all. I would have thought something would have happened due to the fact the battery wasn't completely flat. So I'm not sure if my charger is broken, or that something is wrong with the laptop. Anyone suffer from the same problem? I got the laptop about 2 years ago so it's out of warranty.

Why don't I feel what you guys feel?

In a way, the way you act will surely benefit you because emotions can be such a weakness when it comes to achieving what we want. Putting that aside you can take whatever you want with no guilt, and manipulate anyone into doing something beneficial to you. In a sense, I wish I could feel that way. However, compassion is still important and without it this world would be full of heartless and cruel people willing to do whatever it takes to have what they want. I think it's okay to be selfish but you must balance it out with the right amount of compassion. However it is not uncommon to feel emotionless and passive about everything in life. I'm sure we all feel that to some extent. Perhaps you've had some traumatizing experience as a child that caused you to not trust people, or you simply just don't care. In any case, this is who you are. You can try to change yourself, but by the way you word things, it sounds like your state of mind is pretty set. The only thing I can offer you is that perhaps with time your feelings will change.

Any advice for my "Gap Year" in Australia next fall?

Instead of going to university next fall, i decided that I want to take a year off to travel and visit Australia for the first time for approx. 1-2 months. Can anyone give me any tips about how to go about making plans for accommodation/meeting local people/etc.. I really want this experience to be something that i will always remember and i am completely open minded when it comes to my itinerary- all I want is to experience something other than how it is in my small town in canada.

How do I remove windows 7?

OK SO I have windows 7 and vista installed on my dell inspiring laptop(don't ask why lol) do I remove windows 7 only?

How to support a non profit organisation?

It's wonderful for you to want to support an organization that you believe in. But I suggest that you contact the organization first and find out what support they need and work with them to find ways to help them accomplish their goals rather than doing this alone. They can help you to help them.

Dell PowerEdge 1600SC?

Here is the thing, i plugged the server into my monitor and it will go into standby (yellow light) when i unplug you get the normal (no pc connected message)....I also tried my bravia tv which is hooked up to my pc via vga cable and it kept saying no pc connection. So i asked a friend and he sent me a video card for the server, (not sure anything about the card) thinking maybe it was the integrated port. It put it in and it still does the same thing. The connection to both the monnitor and the computer is vga...any ideas?

Why do people who act inconsiderate expect everything to be dandy with no consequences what so ever?

Maybe it's all a game he plays when he gets bored. If it's all intentional, then you're buying into it and he's getting his amusement.

Anybody have experience with bulimia?

Aww honey I feel so sorry for you, I think you show symptoms, I wouldn't know if you have physical symptoms but I know your mental symptoms are real, wanting to punish yourself for eating too much or something. I think you should tell your mum, especially if you are self harming. Don't feel that it will be embarrassing and that people will think you are trying to get attention because even if you were, you would need to see someone because you just wouldn't do that in your right state of mind. I hope this helps, sorry its a bit long. I really hope you get better. :) XXXX

Is it OK to go to University and still live with my parents?

In 2012 I'll hopefully be starting off life at Uni in London and I'm considering whether I should leave home or stay. A lot of my mates are leaving home so I kinda feel I should too, then again I find the thought of living in rented accommodation rather daunting, not to mention the cost that will come with it. Would it be acceptable for Uni student to still be living with their parents?

EU train travel on a budget?

I would like to travel around Europe for a month but am struggling to figure out a way to do so withoout spending all of my savings. Are there multipass EU train passes for non students I oculd consider, on a train service I can sleep on the train and jsut get off and on at any country and city in EU for a month? I thought that would save me the hassle of looking for places to sleep and would save maybe on accommodation expenses? I'v looked at Raileurope and a Erurostar from london to paris will set me off at �200. Is it possible to travel for a month like this, on a budget of �400 ? Please I would appreciate some advice as I assked a travel agency and they didn't know and I looked at seat61. thanks

My laptop is not recieving the charger?

When i try to put the charger into my laptop the light on the battery of the chargers starts to blink and the light wont appear on the laptop, is there a reason why this is happening? Also my laptop is a Windows XP 2003 and is a Dell.

Please contribute your opinion to my mother problem?

Your mom sounds like just another crappy mom. My mom's similar. It takes a long time, but I've accepted her. I've accepted that she sucks at everything. It doesn't sound like constructive advice, but it's all about attitude. Understand that she sucks, she's not going to stop sucking, and you're going to have to compensate.

Where's the coolest place to go skiing in Victoria, Australia?

For a bunch of restless, bored twenty-somethings with not that much money. Advice on accommodation would also be great!

Let's talk SSS again?

i really dont think anyone should be "forced" to sign up. especially with the state of our government any more. but yes, if women truly want equality, then it would only be right if they were to sign up as well. a woman can fire a weapon as well as a man can, ..personally im glad we dont have to, but ya know....equal is equal. things like this are why one can safely say that most feminists dont really want equality, they want advantages and special treatment.

*PLEASE HELP* Alienware laptop problem?

Well for those of you that know, on the bottom of the Alienware m14x laptop, there is a metal tag with your name on it. My dad accidentally put the wrong name on it, and I want to change it. Is there any way that I can order a new one from Dell?

Are aquarius folks incapable of love?

* Uh Uh!! You've revealed yourself! You have a Cancer Moon, the original marshmallow. Even though you have many planets in Aqua and this does distance you from your emotions, as well as from others feelings, you have deep inside a gentle, loving vulnerable soul. What you have is the thickest, most impenetrable shell ever made! What keeps you in the deep freeze is fear. You'll have to think long and hard about who you are inside and if you want to take the risk to find the way to truly express who you really are. You process through your intellect so this is a mental exercise. You know what you have inside, so now decide if you deserve to be happy; because you are not now. Safe does not= happy. It is scary to open yourself up, and you can be hurt, but what do you have now? Don't you want more?